Pinterest For Preggos

Confession: I am an emotional hoarder.

It’s no secret I love history.  That is actually one of the things that pulled me to journalism; we get to tell stories about what is happening right now, things that all become the history of our community.  Collecting keepsakes and sorting through old photos falls right in line with that–telling stories about my history, and at least a part of the history of my friends and family.  It’s amazing how a simple message written on a sticky note can take you back to a moment in time.  How a photograph triggers laughs and memories from a day out or a great night with friends.  Now, I MAY take this to a clinically obsessive level with scrapbooking.. but hey, tomato tomahto, right? 🙂

Once I discovered Pinterest.. all hope was lost.  There are SO MANY amazing ideas for ways to preserve those memories.  For 2013, a year that will no doubt bring incredible moments for my family, here’s one of my favorites:

daily calendar

365+ Memories in a Box

Every day, use an index card to write one down one thing that happened on that date (noting the year).  These can be big events (the day we learned Baby #2 was a boy!) or seemingly unimportant things (we had a BIG snowstorm today!)  Next year, use the exact same cards to write new memories on each day.  Can you imagine how fun each card will be to look back on in 10 years?  LOVE THIS!!! Not only for the memories, but it’s so EASY and QUICK to take 3 minutes and jot down a simple note about the day (a MUCH more feasible option on those days when we barely have time to grab a cup of coffee!)

I may be WAY behind in my scrapbooking, but at least I know I’ve got a cool record of the day-to-day happenings of our little (soon to be bigger!) family.

A final note.. if I had my memory box six years ago, today’s entry would’ve been something like this:


Feb 28: Got to meet sweet baby Noah Ryan today!!

Noah is the oldest kiddo of one of my best friends, Melissa.  I CANNOT BELIEVE her little Batman is 6 years old today!!!!




“Hope no one wasted tax dollars rescuing the itsy bitsy spider. Going up that spout again was his choice. Dummy.” –@HonestToddler

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